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It all started when...

I realized i was broke.

I graduated college which was financed by a full scholarship and had nothing to show for it. I had enough to pay my tuition, pay my rent for the semester and have some left over. I blew it all. I even forfeited a bet that if i could save $10,000 it would be matched when I graduated.

as a result, i entered the post graduate world with credit card debt, had no idea what a budget was, and although i had a nice starting salary, i was clueless on what it took to accumulate wealth. 

This is when i took matters into my hands and my research led me to dave ramsey. i read his book, "the total money makeover", in 5 days. i was hooked and my motivation was ignited. I will admit, i did get a bit out of control. i drove my wife crazy by trying to discuss a budget that showed a plan until 2035. it was ridiculous. since then i have calmed down and created my own little hybrid version of how to reach debt freedom and obtain wealth. i can't wait to share it all. i am very excited to share my journey and help you navigate yours.

this is me...

I'm a follower of jesus. I have a beautiful wife named jasmine and her smile pulls you in like a magnet. as a result we've been married for 5 years with many more to go. outside of finance, I've played (3) instruments, I love music, dancing, talking to crowds, serving others, telling corny jokes, and researching stuff - extensivley.

The financial destination

i created this platform to be a servant of all, including myself. when it comes to financial woes, i am you and you are me. we all struggle. as i share advice i'll be helping you and reminding myself to stay on the road less traveled.

the financial destination is my remedy for those that repeatedly become lost on their road to financial freedom. i have created a six step process that approaches financial literacy from a psychological viewpoint and ends at a place of mental, physical and financial peace.

join me as i help you navigate to your financial destination! there is no detour, roadblock, or turbelence that we can't overcome! let's go!




Cash navigator, hot wing lover, & financial literacy advocate

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Rod has a gift when it comes to financial literacy. I came to him with concerns regarding my financial state. I was doing a great job earning money, but reaching my financial goals seemed impossible. Rod understood my financial worries and immediatley gave me a sermon to listern to regarding debt. Rod educated me and explained why financial principles are important. Next, he created a monthly budget for me. Additionally, he provided me with different tools that I use on a daily basis to track my spending and to pay down unnecessary debt. I am starting to achieve my financial goals and that would not be possible without God and Rod.
— Brittany, Memphis

First, I want to thank you for providing this type of service. Not only through your services of analyzing expenses and debt vs. opportunities to save, but through your continuous education of millennials on financial literacy topics. Your financial analysis report is very precise and user-friendly for the recipient. I like the approach of breaking “cost buckets” down in order of importance, not just by size. Lastly, providing me with an action item list and multiple options to attack debt is wonderful. You customized your approach for me and didn’t just deliver a massive data dump. I’m VERY likely to be a returning customer. Thanks again!
— Tariq, Savannah
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